Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Thoughts from my "Tinitarinism Class"

Adam, the first man lived to be 930 years old. His son, Seth, was bor nwhen he was 130. He had at least two sons prior to Seth, Cain and Abel. We know Cain killed Abel before Seth was born, and that both boys were old enough to work by the time of Abel's murder so lets say Adam had them when he was 100. That gives him 830 years between when he started to have children and when he died. Lets also say that Eve lived as long as Adam (there is no record of her death). And since Adam was her husband, that also gives her 830 years to have children. 830 years is 9960 months. Thats 1106 nine month sections. That means they could have 1106 kids! But Eve would probably want some time between each of these pregnancies, say a month. Thats still 996 ten month sections.
Lets say women today live to be about 90. They hit menopause around 45ish. So half their life. Half of Eves life would be 465 years. So once the 100 years before she had Cain and Abel, thats still 365 years. Thats 4380 months. And 486 nine month sections or 438 ten month sections. Thats a freaking lot of kids!
I used to wonder how on Earth it ever worked for so many people to come from just two, but now that I've done the math, it's so much easier to understand. Because the kids Eve had when she was 130, were having kids by the time she was 230. Which is a lot of people living a long time and having a lot of kids.

I believe this was a productive class period.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

The day after a "6 Kilometer" Hike

It has been forever since I've updated this thing, I'm sorry. But honestly now that I'm here this whole website is in Hungarian and it's rather stressful to try to navigate it, also I am just a procrastinator and this doesn't have a deadline, so I just put it off till my mother asks for 'a long newsy letter' then I feel bad, and am guilted into writing a rambling, incoherent update on my life, which I am sure ya'll have been dying to read. (Did you know guilted is not a word, at least according to my spell check. I did not until I wrote it in that last sentence)
I have now had one week of 'classes'. Really three days of class and two days of street evangelism in Budapest. It was the most amazing terrifying thing I have ever done. I had no idea what to expect and I mean I speak exactly 4 words in Hungarian. "yes" "no" "thank you" and "hello" Which are not especially helpful when trying to share God with people. But God provided and I was able to have several amazing conversations with different people.
Moving on the the most interesting that has happened since I arrived. Yesterday one of the guys here, David Grafe, asked if I wanted to go hiking with him and four other people. Three of the girls, all from Quebec, and the other David. He said that we would be going to a lake about 6 Km from campus. I agreed, planning on spending a nice afternoon with friends. We left about 2:30, and in my head I was thinking we would be back around 7:00. We got back to campus at 11:45. The sun went down about 7:15. We never made it to the lake. It was an insane trip. I hope to make the pictures and videos we took into a movie, complete with LOTR soundtrack. Because that is the only thing it is comparable to.
IT is now time for volleyball, as I told the Hungarians I would be playing, but I hope this satisfies those asking for 'news' (Love you Momma). If it does not, please feel free to Facebook me and I will answer or expand upon any questions ya'll might have.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Nagy Britana

I am finally settled into the dorm I will be in for the remainder of the school year. "Nagy Britana" or Great Britain. But sadly they were not prepared to have four girls dorms, and had already rented ours out next Wednesday. So my five room mates and I will be moving out completely that day. Which is slightly annoying. But having a room, and a bed, and a desk, and a closet that is mine is fantastic!
I know its been a while since I last informed ya'll of the going-ons from across the ocean and I'm sorry. It has been really busy, and I had zero motivation to write. I went through extreme homesickness, and am still suffering slightly from it. But it improved greatly once I had more to do. I am officially a RA, and am still trying to comprehend what that all means. I would really appreciate your prayers while I learn.
As I sit at my desk the other two girls in my room are skyping their families. Both in Portuguese. It is going to be an interesting year. I feel like the only person here who only speaks 1.5 languages. But hopefully that will change by the end of the year.
This is a fairly short blog, but its dinner time (AKA time for Rachel to eat bread). And I am starving. So I will try to be motivated to write again soon, with a desk it is much more likely that this will occur.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Jet Lag Lasts How Long?!?!!?

I read my post from last night, and I am so sorry to all who had to read it. But as a warning this one may be no better.
These past two days have been the most trying days I think I have ever had. I have cried a lot, and I'm sure the people who have seen me think I'm insane. Mostly the man I sat next to on the airplane across the ocean. Cause one minute I was just sitting there, and the next I was quietly crying trying not to look obvious. But its hard not to be obvious when you have snot running down your face. But oh well, hopefully when stuff starts going on around here it will get better.
The food is iffy... After arriving and sleeping through lunch yesterday I dragged my halfawake-self to the dining hall for dinner. Bread and weird meat. Like the bologna with colorful stuff in it and such. So I ate bread. And that's it. Lunch is apparently the big meal here, so today I dragged myself out of bed (after sleeping through breakfast), to make it there. Fried Pork ribs, and fried potatoes, and bread. Much better, but still odd. And they drink tea here. A lot of tea. I do not like tea. But it has become my goal to like tea by the end of the year.
I have been doing nothing at all since I got here. There is nothing for me to do yet. I have spent an ungodly amount of time online. After stalking the majority of my friend on Facebook, I moved on to I am currently on page 126. And not proud of myself.
I slept for over 11 hours last night, and feel like I'm starting to recover. But I have had a headache all day.
I'm going to go dig through my suitcase for my drugs mom made me take. Ta-ta.