Hey ya'll. So I promise I'm not dead. I just really forget that I have this thing, and that some people (namely my parents and apparently Geoff) read it. For those of you not in Hungary (AKA everyone except Geoff), Geoff is an intern here who loves to play Catan, Monopoly Deal, Carcassone, Bang, Kemps, and other games. Which obviously makes him someone that I hang out with on a regular basis, as I also love games of all kinds. Also falling into this category are Kevin and Jess. There is rarely a day that we do not play a game of some sort.
Since being here, actually just yesterday, I have found the best chocolate in the world. It is Milka. A type called "Season of Happiness" Basically it's pear flavored chocolate. I could probably eat it almost constantly. But if I do that, then I would be fat. And I drink enough Coke that this could be a legitimate problem.
Let me try to explain my schooling to those that don't go here. I have classes four days a week, Monday- Thursday. Form 8:00AM to 1:00 PM. There is one class we have for an extended period of time, currently it is "Bible Study Methods". I will have this class one or two hours a day, from now until the middle of November. The other class changes from week to week. So far I have had "Personal Evangelism", "Trinitarinism", "Dispensationalism", and am currently in "Angelology, Anthropology, and Hamertiology." I have had exams on the first three, and am completely done with them for the year. So instead of taking how ever many classes normal college students take, and having like two hours of class a day, I take one class for 12ish hours a week, and then move on to the next one. It works pretty well.
Those of you who know me well know that I am a multitasker. So I am going to leave you with two lists, showing what exactly I do in class.
Things I have done in Class(and will probably do again):
Drank tea
Read my Bible
Get names from the Bible that I might name my children (112 so far)
Write titles for every chapter of the Bible (I'm through Deuteronomy thus far)
Read my 'Basic Theology' text book
Written letters
Made this list
Made bracelets(four types as of now, I'm learning more)
Taken AWESOME notes (Seriously, my hand hurts from writing so much)
Learned a lot about the Bible and God I have never even thought of before.
Things I plan on doing in class:
Writing my Last Will and Testament
Knit mittens (For Jess)
Write a Psalm
Cross-Stitch some butterflies
If any of you have more ideas for me, please let me know. I'm not sure how many bracelets I can make and still have room to take them home!
Yes, living on Coke and chocolate could be a very bad idea...