I just experienced my first real moment of panic. I have spent the last fiveish hours at Gate B17 because thats where the nice lady told me to go. Well the nice lady lied. There is a flight to Frankfurt flying out of gate B17 today. At 3:40. My flight leaves Gate C10 at 2:39. Needless to say this 'nice lady''s actions could have caused serious problems if I was not so observant. Also if my laptop had not died and I didn't need to go on an outlet search(because there are none in the gates). But luckily my hunt led me past one of the arrival/departure boards and I double-checked. Realizing something was odd I pulled out my handydandy clipboard(told you it would come in handy Dad) and checked my flight number. And then basically power walked across the whole airport to end up 3 gates down from the gate I flew into from Indy. Lets just say I am not happy with the 'nice lady'.
Power walking is good!